Kid’s Corner

I just love listening to a good story. Don’t you?

I can make a movie in my mind of what is happening. Sometimes I laugh! Other times, stories make me cry. I enjoy learning things from books too! Click the link below and I’ll read YOU a story!

(I wonder which one you’ll choose?)

What makes you special?

If you have been told by an adult that you have dyslexia, it is OK! It really means that you have an AMAZING brain that reads a little differently. Did you know that 1 in 5 of your classmates have some degree of dyslexia too? It’s true! When you read, your brain is just not as efficient. That means it takes a little longer for your brain to figure out a word. BUT DON’T WORRY! It is who you are. (and it can also get better with someone helping you.)

Having dyslexia has NOTHING to do with how smart you are! And, I bet you have a TON of things you are awesome at.

Let me tell you a secret….

Because your brain works a little harder to read, it can do other things REALLY well!

Are you super fast at puzzles like an awesome problem solver? Are your friends jealous that you can draw and design things beautifully like an engineer or architect? Maybe you love working with numbers, like a mathematician? Or, possibly, you create your own rules for games or sell items you’ve made, like an entrepreneur?

Wouldn’t life be boring if we were all good at the same things? Find what you love and feel good at and go for it!

Do you know any of these famous people who have dyslexia?

“You can be extremely bright and still have dyslexia. You just have to understand how you learn and how you process information, when you know that, you can overcome a lot of the obstacles that come with dyslexia.” Tim Tebow

“Dyslexia is my superpower.”

Richard Branson

Your teacher wants you to succeed, so don’t be afraid to be your own advocate (that means speak up for the things you know you need to help you do your best).

Do you need some extra time to finish a writing assignment? Do you need a teacher to read you a question on a test? Or maybe, you just need a quieter spot to think while you’re taking a test.

You know how you learn best!

You’ve Got This!

Did you know…..

There are a lot of great books with characters who struggle with dyslexia! Check out this great list from The Literacy Nest!

Click this button to hear an expert tell you about dyslexia. There’s a also a great video!

P.S. You are amazing!